Tuesday, June 30, 2015

In this article I want to stimulate thought in the Moorish community and to other nations on this land. As a nation we have been conditioned to think a certain way, which has nothing to do with who we are.  It’s time that we start to think for ourselves, and learn to be ourselves.         
The fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of America need to learn to love instead of hate; and to know of his higher self and lower self.  This is uniting of the Holy Koran of Mecca, for the
teaching and instructing of all Moorish Americans, etc.”
What we need to realize is that we are not functioning as a nation or a community. We have accumulated a number of behaviors that require a remedy.  The first step to obtain a remedy is realizing that there is an issue; once you realize the issue would you be ready to carry out the solution?  I know we are strong enough to carry out solutions; we have plenty of examples to keep history from repeating itself in a detrimental way.   What it comes down to is that we are going to have to reeducate ourselves and use our ancestors for guidance.  That’s reeducation nationwide, truth be told we have all been through miseducation.  We have been miseducated on who we are and the world has been miseducated on who we are.  The more we read and reeducated ourselves we will see who we really are.  Nations abroad will then recognize us and identify us by our free national name and standards. We are a Nation and the mindset of the Moorish Nation should be just that.  The pen is mightier than the sword.